Thursday, April 22, 2010

Examine It - Part 3

Psalm 119 Example - In Conclusion

First section alliterated with first letter of Hebrew alphabet. The Psalmist here, or using more popular terminology, the singer/songwriter is doing what singer/songwriters do and that is they sing and they write songs about what they know, what they have experienced what they have seen in life. This singer who in psalm 119 is singing about the word of God and its place in his life observes life. The first thing he observes about the word of is how great things go at least in the sense of living a successful and fulfilled life, how great things go for the individual who is living God’s word, who is obeying God’s Word. The singer/songwriter as he looks around himself at life, at what he has seen of life, he has seen a group of people who are happy, successful, prosperous, even if things are going difficult in life, they are individuals who appear to be blessed because they are satisfied and content in life when a lot of people aren’t. As he is looking at these individuals he recognizes that their blessedness is centered on their relationship with the word of God. They are individuals who are keeping it or trying with all of their heart and all of their being to do what is right, and that is where their satisfaction and contentment in life is found. As the singer/songwriter is singing about these people and this thing he has learned about in life, his mind turns to himself. Vs. 5 he sees that in his own life there is a lacking in this area and he cries out the emotions of a singer/songwriter, songs being an emotional language, “oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes”, as he sees this group of people who are blessed he desires to have that same blessing on his life. He recognizes that it comes from keeping the word of God, he has a deficiency in this area and his heart is crying out desiring that in itself, it too would have that kind of whole hearted obedience to God’s Word and the blessing that comes with that. He knows that, as he goes on in the psalm, he won’t be ashamed. He will have a right view of what he should and shouldn’t do. His whole life as these blessed people who are keeping God’s word, then his whole life, as there’s will praise God. His life will be a testimony. He will understand what is right and what isn’t. AS he ends this song, going from his observance of those who are satisfied and blessed in life to a viewing of himself and his need and desire to follow God’s Word that way, a lacking that is there he wants to overcome, he recognizes and sets his heart to “I will keep thy statutes”. He recognizes that it is not his doing; it is not of works, that it is not in his own heart to direct his heart this way. Even though in vs. 8 “I will” he desires to keep the statutes, his emotions cry out to, “Oh forsake me not utterly. He recognizes that he needs God’s help in this, he is failing in this, and it is not by his own works or his own strength. These individuals who are blessed, they are setting there will to keep God’s word, but God is the one who really has to do the work and the person who is humble and seeks God with his whole heart will find that God doesn’t forsake them even though they fail, God will give them satisfaction, success, blessing in life that will be a testimony to his names sake.
This is like the first stanza of a song.

Thank you to Mr. Dick Emberley for his insight into this particular chapter of Psalms!  It's been eyeopening for me and has helped me understand the passage better as I memorize it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Examine It - Part 2

Psalm 119 Example - A Continuation
by Dick Emberley

The book of Psalms is divided into 5 sections, 5 books actually. Probably grouped that way by Hezekiah and each of the 5 sections is based on themes, probably Hezekiah put it together this way. Some have seen that each of the 5 books of the Psalms is aligned with the first 5 books of the Bible. So jumping down to where we are going specifically, Psalm 119, which finds itself in the 5th division, which is similar to the 5th book of the Bible, Deuteronomy. You have a grouping of the Psalms that deals with thankfulness for God’s faithfulness. In Deuteronomy, the people are listening to the law for the 2nd time, the second generation is about to enter the land, they are seeing a faithful God who has delivered them from Egypt and they are being reminded of how important it is for them to be faithful to God’s Word as well. So when we come to Psalm 119, we are in the section dealing with the faithfulness of God and the thankfulness of man for his Word. Psalm 119 is a very interesting Psalm in the sense that it is organized as a few of them are, as an acrostic. It takes the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and it starts each of the 22 sections dividing it into the poetry, the verses. Each of the 16 lines are grouped in 2’s, 8 sections pretty closely in our English Bible, 8 verses per section. Each of those verses in Hebrew starts with that letter of the Hebrew alphabet. When you are translating from Hebrew to English or any other language as well, it is very difficult because Hebrew by its very nature is a base and poetic language. So, words are not as fixed and defined as we tend to find in the English. They can have wide meanings. When you add the fact that the Psalms are poems, translating a poem into another language is very difficult because of the nature of poetic language. Each of the sections looked at, look at it individually; try to pull the main point. Each verse is going to be a couple. In the English you don’t necessarily see 2 things put together but there are 2. When you only see one thing, it shows how difficult it is to translate Hebrew poetry into English. Within each section, you see one major point. What keeps being brought out over and over again is the Word of God. It is mentioned in many ways, commandments, ordinances, precepts, laws; it is all talking about the Word of God. In this session we are not going to get into each of the acrostics but just remember that it is God’s revelation of Himself, Jesus Christ as the Word of God. Psalm 119 is a revelation in song, in poetry, of Jesus Christ to his people so that they will understand how important the living Word of God is, his place in our life, how he needs to be our guide, our strength, our encouragement, how connected he is to our emotions, how we need to discipline ourselves, you will see over and over “I will, I will” we need to discipline ourselves, we need to control our emotions. It is going to teach us how to do that, what we should be thinking about and how we should look at life and how we should allow the Word to be our guide, our example if we want to live a life that God has designed us to, a successful life.

A note of caution; when you are studying, try to define things. Many times we use “Christian language, terms” and really do not have a true understanding of what we are talking about. For example, the word “separation”, what do you mean when you say that? Use simple language, common language to say what you mean. Ask yourself if there are prejudices in how you use it.

Prayer: these things are spiritually discerned. Keep prayer simple, open my understanding.

Meditation: This is truly an art. The Jewish culture has a good handle on this. I shall attempt to try to explain. It is quietness. It is like you are holding a diamond, you turn it a bit and look and see the colors and various aspects of that side, then your turn it a bit more and ponder as the colors and things you see will be different. I will call it P-O-V: Point of View. When you meditate and ponder what it has to say you need to take it text and then look at it from different points of view. What is God’s point of view, how does he see things? What is man’s point of view, women’s point of view? How would a child see this, a teen, an older person, a disabled person, a soldier, a doctor, a lawyer, a farmer, a wealth person, a poor person? I think you see where I am going. Each person brings to scripture a different point of view depending on where God has put them in life. The ability to meditate is to take and see things from different vantage points. There are many aspects to this and it will take time to develop the ability to think so be patient with this part.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Examine It - Part 1

To truly examine a piece of Scripture, one is going to need some resources and tools.  As Erin mentioned in her post, one can "use commentaries, dictionaries, concordances and more".  Online is one of the greatest resources we have in this day and age for combing through scripture and its meaning (keeping in mind there are many false teachers out there posting things as well so make sure you're using a doctrinally sound website for your research - we've posted some links that may help) .  Below we have an example of examining Scripture by looking specifically at Psalm 119.  This can be a good start for those who have decided to join us by memorizing this portion of the Word.

Psalm 119 Example
by Dick Emberley

First things first, start with the big picture. Before you start looking at the little tiny details, the leaves and what not, you have to see the forest. A lot of time you have commentaries that like to be devotional and just jump into the details and they lose something because they miss the big picture. So starting at the most simple level, you are starting at what the Bible is all about. Essentially it is God’s revelation of himself to man. It is God giving to us something that we could not have learned on our own by just observing his creation. So whenever you approach the bible to get something out of it that is profitable, you have to start with, the first and foremost, it is about God. God revealing himself to man and God revealing to his highest creation, man, why he was created and what his place is in God’s plan. When we look at the Word of God, what is revealed to us about God and about ourselves, it also takes us back in our understanding to John 1, “In the beginning was the Word”, the message, the revelation about God. What we can know about God, we start with that, “and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.” So when we are reading about God, we are in essence, from Genesis to Revelation, reading about what can be revealed of God, Jesus Christ, what we can see and understand. What can be revealed about God, or know about God, in the practical sense, made known to us so that we can be like him, so that we can know how we should behave., why we were created.

Leaving that level of big picture, the fact that the Bible is God’s revelation of himself to man, a revelation that man could not have understood any other way, a revelation that man needs to understand so that he can understand how he is supposed to live, we then start looking at the individual books and narrowing to Psalms.
The book of Psalms is a song book. It is a book of poems that were put to music. We don’t have the music today but that certainly would be interesting if we did. I am sure it would shock many individuals, looking at Psalm 150 making a loud noise with all sorts of instruments to the Lord! Poetry in music, music is a language of the soul. It is a language that communicates feeling and emotion. So we come to the psalms, God’s songbook, God’s revelation of Himself, and it deals with most closely with us as an emotional and feeling creature. It is a book that helps us put our emotional house in order. It is going to teach us how to control our emotions, how to discipline our feelings, what we should feel, why we should feel that way. In essence, as David the Psalmist played music to calm the ailing King Saul, it is the emotional medicine, the emotional prescription for the ailing human heart. The book of Psalms is going to deal in a very practical way with the emotional wrestlings of practical human life. It is going to give us a vivid picture of what real life is like from an emotional point of view. Therefore, it is going to be a very honest and practical book by its very nature. In this day and age we have individuals with so called emotional problems. The answer to those besides the answer that is found in medicine for those who have organic problems, the answer to that from the spiritual standpoint is going to be found in the book of Psalms. There is going to be an awful lot in the book that is going to deal with how to cure our emotional ills, how to emotionally respond to the trials and tribulations and difficulties of living in a sin cursed world in the way that God wants us to live here.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

RENEW - Read It!

Here are some ways of reading for the sake of memorizing and knowing. Please add your "Read It" ideas, too - but stick to ideas that involve the written word or reading - we will get to other ideas with the other letters of our "RENEW" acrostic soon.
  1. Read the passage or verse 10 times right before bed and as soon as you wake up, every night and every morning.
  2. Put the passage or verse on index cards. Carry them with you wherever you go. Pull them out and read through them anytime you are waiting in line, at an office, in an elevator, as a passenger in a car (don't read while driving!), etc.
  3. Post the passage or verse next to your bathroom mirror. Read through it every time you brush your teeth, wash your face, hands, apply makeup, etc.
  4. Post the passage by your kitchen sink. Read through it as you load/unload the dishwasher, as you cook and clean, etc.
  5. Write the passage or verse on a wipe-off board or chalk board. Read through it. Erase one word. Read through it again, saying the missing word from memory. Erase another word. Keep going until you have erased the whole thing and are saying it all by heart!
  6. Create a document containing the passage that pops up automatically when you start your computer and read it every time you start your PC.
Look for more tips centering on "Examine It" coming up!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Beth Moore's Tips: RENEW

Beth Moore provided a Scripture memorization tutorial a year or so ago. In it she referred to a main reason we memorize Scripture. In so doing, we participate in an important directive found in Romans:
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. 12:2
Beth pointed out that memorizing Scripture is a critical way in which we "renew our minds." She then offered the follow acrostic as a means to share how this transformation takes place:
R - Read It
- Examine It
- Need It
- Echo It
- Wield It
In the following few posts, we will take the time to explore each of these individually, but for now, here's a brief overview:

R - Read It = By reading the passage over, and over, and over... we are meditating on the Word of God, spending time with Him, and dwelling on His Words to us.

E - Examine It = Here is where we look at the passage from every single angle. We might use commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, and more to really break down the passage and see what it truly means. We also will pay close attention to word patterns, choices, grammar, and punctuation. We will look for keys within the passage to help with the memorization of it - for example, alphabetical order, alliteration, rhymes, etc.

N - Need It = This is where we gain "ownership" of the passage. We allow it to speak into our lives. We hear the very personalized message God has in it, just for us. We develop a deep need for the words on the page.

E - Echo It = Saying the passage aloud, over and over, in our own voice helps us to experience the words in a new way. This is a great memorization technique.

W - Wield It = We cannot stop with simply memorizing the passage. We must USE it. Pick up the sword and do battle against the Enemy. By wielding it, we are praying it back to God, we are using it to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ, we are refuting the lies of the Enemy. We are waging Holy war.

I hope this helps invigorate you to keep up the good fight, Dear Ones! May God Blaze The Way!

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Challenge

We'll kick off with the chapter that contains our "Treasure Verse" which is "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." We thought it would be a great starting point so as to find a verse that would encourage us to continue our memorization efforts in the future. Of course, we realize this chapter is the longest in the entire Bible! You are welcome to memorize as much of it or as little of it as you wish.
Psalm 119:1-16

' Aleph
1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless,
who walk according to the law of the LORD.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes
and seek him with all their heart.
3 They do nothing wrong;
they walk in his ways.
4 You have laid down precepts
that are to be fully obeyed.
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast
in obeying your decrees!
6 Then I would not be put to shame
when I consider all your commands.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart
as I learn your righteous laws.
8 I will obey your decrees;
do not utterly forsake me.

b Beth
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
12 Praise be to you, O LORD;
teach me your decrees.
13 With my lips I recount
all the laws that come from your mouth.
14 I rejoice in following your statutes
as one rejoices in great riches.
15 I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.
16 I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.

Ready? Set... Go! :)